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- 1
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- Material World
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- Living Things

What do fossils tell us?
In this activity, students develop their observational skills and are initiated into the understanding and analysis of the traces left behind by living things and of fossils.
Here are some suggestions for other resources that you might use in class before or after carrying out the activity:
Here are ideas for other similar experiments and links to additional material:
- Musée virtuel du Canada : les empreintes fossiles
- Bibliothèque et Archives Canada : Creuser le sujet
- Musée Redpath
- Centre Thématique Fossilifère : Clef d’identification artificielle des grandes familles (fossiles)
- BrainPop français : Les fossiles
- La route des secrets (balade géologique et architecturale) du Coeur des sciences de l’UQAM.
Experiment notebooks
Coming soon
Progression of learning
Coming soon
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